No one can deny that asphalt plays an essential role when it comes to strategic use of it as a material for the construction or creation of land transportation routes, however, nothing lasts forever and asphalt paving is no exception.

Adverse weather conditions such as high temperatures or factors such a heavy vehicle traffic are some of the elements that over time can accelerate the deterioration and decomposition of the asphalt pavement.

As asphalt ages it shows signs of deterioration or fatigue, one the easiest ways to identify this is when the black color begins to oxidize and fade to gray and cracks begin to appear on the surface of roads, parking lots or streets.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about it …

Luckily, everything asphalt related has a solution! That solution will depend on the situation that is causing the issue.

But what happens if you avoid the sealing?

If you avoid or put off sealing your asphalt, you’re well on your way to repaving. Signs will include the formation of cracks in the surface and excess of moisture in them causing problems, that’s why we want to explain you the benefits of asphalt sealing

Benefits of asphalt sealing:

  • Prevents water seepage and excess moisture intrusion: As cracks are filled and sealed, the likelihood of water getting into the pavement surface is significantly reduced.
  • Delays deterioration by oxidation: Oxidation causes the pavement to become brittle over time, accelerates the presence of cracks and other types of deterioration. Sealing significantly delays this.
  • Improves traction on roads: The application of asphalt sealant in parking lots or roads helps to prevent and avoid the wear of small of fine particles of sand that over time can affect your traction when driving.
  • Helps you save money: Did you know that proper maintenance can help you save money in the long run? This is one of the most striking benefits for people, research has shown that this avoids much more expensive repairs in the long run and preserves the quality of the pavement over time. Studies show that 1$ of maintenance saves 6$ in repaving costs later.
  • Extend the life of your pavement: Without a doubt the most important benefit, a well-built surface can last more than 15 years but did you know that sealing can help you double this time with just 2-3 application in the same time frame?

Asphalt sealing also improves the overall aesthetics of your surface and will make your property look better by being clean and well maintained.

Rico Asphalt Repair offers a full range of services focused on optimal solutions for asphalt surfaces problems that generate satisfaction and excellent results, including asphalt seal coating. With more than 15 years of experience and the use of edge technology, we make your project a reality by eliminating obstacles and turning them into benefits. Contact us and ask for your free quote.

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