🇵🇷 Rebuilding the Roads:🚙The Path to Puerto Rico’s Future🚦

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Rebuilding the Roads:🚙The Path to Puerto Rico’s Future🚦

While the rest of the world still aims to recover from covid-19,🦠 hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans were shook by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake earlier this year, causing severe damage to the power grid as well as many roads around the island.🌴

Analysts predict a cost of overđź’° $3 billion in repairs. The earthquake caused significant damage to the nation’s roads, leaving some inhabitants without a safe path to travel to their jobs, the city, or town centers. đźŚ‡

These damages were propelled even further when a 5.9 magnitude after shock created a devastating blow to the nation’s already damaged coastal roads.

One thing is for certain: a large number of roads in Puerto Rico’s are in disrepair and are in need of repaving, repairing and or maintaining.

Let’s not omit that you need to factor in weather along with earthquakes when rebuilding. Puerto Rico had 2 devastating hurricanes đźŚŞback to back less than 4 years ago that also wreaked havoc with the roads. Fortunately, there are asphalt maintenance solutions in Puerto Rico that are equipped with tremendous potential in rebuilding the nation’s highways and roads. đź™Ś

In 2011, for instance, The United States as a whole saved $2.2 billion dollars in tax payer money thanks to the quickly adopted practices of asphalt pavement, which also uses recycled goods and materials.♻️

Puerto Rico also has a substantial advantage compared to colder climates, powered by their production potential. Whereas colder climates can only churn asphalt efficiently in warmer days of the year, Puerto Rico’s climate allows for efficient churning year-round, at a fraction of the cost for a plant in colder climates. With practical and competitive reach, asphalt maintenance will be a strong investment in the nation’s infrastructure. đźŹ—

Asphalt offers the most cost-effective solution. Gravel may be the cheapest option for repaving the road, however, the loose rocks that comprise gravel are what make it susceptible to earthquake damage. Asphalt, however, is layered with more tightly compacted material, making it sturdier and more robust in the face of an earthquake. đź›Ł

Asphalt will last much longer and will hold firm if another earthquake strikes, ultimately making asphalt the cheaper solution in the long run if done correctly.

Asphalt pavement in Puerto Rico is the key to repairing the nation’s economy and infrastructure. Despite fighting off the effects of multiple hurricanes, earthquakes, and a global pandemic, Puerto Rico will emerge a stronger nation. With solutions that prioritize Puerto Rico’s future infrastructure first, there is no way we cannot overcome the current challenges.

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