Asphalt is widely available in many countries including Puerto Rico. That being said, there are lots of different plants where you can purchase and use asphalt for your intended purpose (paving or maintenance).

Much like restaurants, each plant mixes things a little bit differently. This is why its important to have quality controls with your asphalt, so you know what you’re getting when you purchase!

In order to ensure a relative homogeneity in asphalt production, governments and private companies work together to agree on terminology as well as standards that need to be met in order to be considered quality asphalt.

The asphalt industry is no exception when it comes to creating and abiding by these standards. There are diverse production methods but all share the focus of quality controls standards to ensure a quality end product. There are several factors that contribute to a quality product and we are going to look at some of the main tests that help determine if you have a hi quality asphalt product.

Since there are a wide array of techniques that are used to create asphalt, it is important that we know some of them so we are better able to compare end-products to ensure we are getting a quality product at the end.

The use of asphalt in paving roads or any other purposes needs the study and evaluation of essential elements or tools involved in the asphalt or paving process such as:

  • Machinery and equipment
  • Materials
  • Methods or type of solutions
  • Climatological factors
  • Staff

Meeting these regulations, as well as the use of suitable machinery and a quality control plan allows evaluating projects to reduce the margin of error and make essential decisions before specific problems arise, during and after an asphalting or surface maintenance.

As a part of a control and quality assurance (QC/QA) it’s necessary to carry out tests that determine the quality of the product, in this case of asphalt, these tests are usually done by those who provide the services, and since the providers know the specific characteristics of this type of resource they can ensure that an asphalt mix can meets the expected results of a client.

Below are some of the many tests or certifications that must be on hand if asphalt mixes or paving services are offered so you’re able to determine if you’re getting a hi quality product:

  • Viscosity Classification test: This test indicates the temperatures ranges in which the asphalt can be mixed and also the corresponding temperature ranges for compaction of the mixture.
  • Granulometry: This type of test according to ASTM D 422 / AASHTO 88 rules, focuses on the classification of the lot to establish a comparison with the types of materials in the soil.
  • Laboratory CBR Test: It measures soil quality and support (ASTM D 1883 / AASHTO T 193) under controlled humidity and density conditions.
  • Atterberg limits: In order to comply with ASTM D 4318 / AASTHO T 89 standards, this test studies the consistency of the soil in relation to its moisture contents, which at the transition point form one state to another shows the Atterberg limits.

For any type of asphalt work, the study of variables has an increasing importance that shows a direct connection with the quality and the end results! Rico Asphalt Repair goes beyond meeting the necessary requirements and analyzing trends of the production processes to provide safety and comfort on the roads here in Puerto Rico that will not only look as good as the beaches but also last significantly longer as compared to a low quality mix.