Rico Asphalt Repair



Surface Asphalt is different–why? Because its is the part that has to deal directly with tires and traffic and the elements: The top layer of an asphalt structure is  often called the “wearing course”. It is designed to have traffic directly on it. This layer is designed to receive load and to resist skidding, traffic abrasions and weather. This is why overlays are so important to get right! The aggregate size if different as compared to the other layers. and mineral filler is of a smaller size than the intermediate or base courses of asphalt and its to accommodate the conditions mentioned above.

Things to note about getting overlays here in Puerto Rico: 

Overlays are a great way to fix certain types of asphalt deformations and defects. However, not all surfaces are best suited to receive and overlay. If the other layers of asphalt that support your surface layer are also defective or deformed, this will cause premature wear and decay of your overlay. Depending on the case, a mill and pave might be better for long term results.