How Important is Striping for Parking Lots?

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How Important is Striping for Parking Lots?🤔

👉Very! 🇵🇷 💴 🚥

Did you know that each parking stall in a commercial complex can be worth as much as $25,000 daily in sales? money 🤑

Sales numbers of this size are the result of well organized, properly marked parking lots that control and direct the flow of traffic while ensuring maximum safety. 🚥

While managing the day-to-day operations of your business, the condition of your parking lot can be easily overlooked. This can lead to lost sales if the surrounding asphalt is cracked, eroded, and at the very worst: unmarked, and unorganized. 👎

There are numerous challenges you’ll encounter by leaving the parking lot unstriped or faded and hard to see, the first and foremost being customer safety. When the location and organization of parking lots is “open to interpretation”, the chances of customers experiencing a collision or dispute with another customer rises dramatically. And while your business may or may not be held responsible for this accident, your business will inevitably pay for the damages in the form of lost customers (a priceless commodity indeed!). 😩

The goal of striping your parking lot then should be to maximize the number of vehicles that it can hold as well as customer safety. Clearly defined visuals like lines, arrows, and handicapped stencils are essential for maximizing volume and turnover and keeping a safe environment for your customers. With more space for parking, you are guaranteed to allow more customers into your place of business. More turnover equals more customers and in turn higher revenue. 💰💰

If not for customer safety or maximizing customer traffic, consider what message a neatly marked parking lot sends to your customer. With a business that is maintained on the outside as well as it is inside, you will find it much easier to attract potential customers. 🚗

Fortunately, striping your parking lot and repairing your asphalt costs about a fraction of what it would cost to repave your entire parking lot. The total price will vary based on location and size and age.
Check out 🇵🇷 for a free estimate! 🙌

For less than you think with help from 🇵🇷, you can restore a well-defined, organized parking lot that is guaranteed to attract more customers increase your revenue and be safer than before.
The most important factor of re-striping your parking lot is hiring a professional. Like any job, striping a parking lot requires skill and knowledge to complete. With over 15 year’s experience, 🇵🇷 RAR can help! Contact us for a free assessment at 🇵🇷

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👉PH: 787 688 0094