During these crazy times, in which COVID-19 pandemic has caused a high level of high shutdowns, including economic recessions worldwide, it can be a bit difficult to know which asphalt contractors are still open and working and what industries are affected and what ones are not. If you’re in need of asphalt work and wondering if you can get it done—this post is for you!

It may not be your first thought, but today more than ever is the best time to fix the surface of your parking lot, street or those annoying defects that cause a lot of discomfort when traveling on roads.

Why is it the best time?

Paving and asphalt work, especially on highways and parking lots with a lot of traffic usually requires a lot of pre-planning and traffic diverting because the world and business does not stop for asphalt repairs. It’s necessary to have a well-organized schedule that allows managing a limited time of work in order to not cause a lot of congestion in these spaces.

But now that parking lots and highways are not very crowded due to pandemic, paving projects can have an accelerated completion time! No need to worry about drying and curing process, as well as better worker availability. This means projects are getting completed much quicker.

We know that many retail companies are closed indefinitely, and it’s makes sense that they are have empty parking lots and roadways.  This is a perfect opportunity to carry out a repair or maintenance project on your asphalt surface.  We also understand that for some of these companies this may not be the main option in their checklist.

However, if you’re asking yourself ARE ASPHALT CONTRACTORS NEAR ME OPEN?, at Rico Asphalt Repair we want to remind you that if your parking lot, street or any paved space has defects that warrant repairs or maintenance this is your best time to carry out your project with us. 1$ of maintenance prevents 6$ in replacement costs later on!

But…What factors should you take into account if you want to hire an near asphalt contractor in this scenario?

There are several factors that you must have in mind if you want to hire an asphalt contractor:

  • Know what types of specific repair you need, remember that these may be related to cracks, potholes or similar aesthetic problems.
  • Define what type of maintenance you need, a simple example of these types of could be a seal and stripe or a mill and pave or just simple crack filling.
  • Asphalt paving: how many inches are you in need of? Grading?

At RAR we understand we are in the midst of interesting times (to say the least), however, we will put our best attitude and commitment forward for our clients. We continue to provide them with the best range of options full of alternative and solutions when it comes to our specialty, asphalt solutions. We want you to count on us, if you’re living in Puerto Rico and need to repair your parking lot or any asphalt surface, we are willing to be part of the solution of your problem. Contact us, advise with us and get your free quote with just one click or a call.

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