The benefits of asphalt in building roads, bridges, tunnels or highways is undoubtedly related to the forefront of a country’s infrastructure. Better roads generate better communication between cities, sectors and even services in order to facilitate the development of essential activities.

We want to mention 5 important benefits of asphalt that you may be not aware of.

Beyond the need to strategically create roads that support the commercial link between cities, economic sectors or other activities, the characteristics of road paving have a close relationship with important benefits, being these:

  • Comfort: your car may be your comfort zone when you’re on the road but this is something that can be affected if the path that you’re taking doesn’t have the necessary conditions for a pleasant trip, for this reason the asphalt becomes not only a simple mixture that creates roads but an important element that guarantees greater comfort and safety when driving
  • Visibility: the color of asphalt facilitates the visibility of the roads during the day, in addition to that, asphalt has a macro texture that fulfills the function of draining water to avoid creating the mirror effect that can cause difficulty seeing in certain night or weather conditions.
  • Noise reduction: noise on the roads may be a factor that originates stress and therefore fatigue for those who are driving, that is why better formulas and new techniques are being tested every time in asphalt mixes to manage the reduction of noise levels.
  • Water drainage: in rainy seasons this benefit plays a big function, the dispersion and drainage of water on the roads helps to prevent accidents and skidding and deforming the asphalt. Roads are more porous now in order to contribute to this function and also provide more safety for drivers.
  • Flexible: Due to the implementation of several layers of mix, when these solidify create a higher level of resistance in the tracks, thus making each layer serve as a support when the weight by one exceeds its containment capacity.

Using appropriate techniques and strategies allow us to generate optimal conditions that guarantee the maximum use and service life of the asphalt. Here at Rico Asphalt Repair we always have more than 15 years of experience we offer solutions adapted to your needs and requirements.  Contact us today!

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