Rico Asphalt Repair

Month: November 2021

Rico Asphalt Repair

Isla Verde -Residential Driveway / Concrete Back Yard

Residential homeowner, Zach Townend is currently in the process of building out rental apartments on the main floor of his home in Isla Verde. One of the necessities was to re-pave the driveway and clean up the backyard and make it accessible for the renters.

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Cayey Road Reconstruction

Cayey Road Reconstruction

The work was successfully completed. Doing the job in three major steps, including regrading the entire side of the hill, repairing and extending the drainage tube as well as constructing a new drain catch basin in concrete, and eventually paving 2 inches of asphalt over the whole road.

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asphalt and concrete paving services in Puerto Rico

Aguas Buenas -Residential Driveway

Residential homeowner, Raphael Gallardo was in dire need of fixing their long and steep driveway in Aguas Buenas. The asphalt had deteriorated significantly and was extremely difficult to exit and enter especially after heavy rains and the steep angle. They needed a good solution!

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Rico Asphalt Repair is a leading provider of asphalt and concrete paving services in Puerto Rico. They handle all types of residential and commercial paving

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